100 key decision-makers expected in Kenya from 25-27th March for the Powering East Africa meeting

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Thursday, February 19, 2015 By danielmjema.blogspot.com



NAIROBI, Kenya, February 18, 2015/ -- As we witness utilities across the continent struggling to acquire and evacuate electricity sufficient enough to reach a base-load, transmission is fast-proving the biggest barrier to energy access across Africa.


Presently, there are never-before-seen levels of investment into the power sector- no longer is it simply the poor cousin of exploration. Investors today view power as an opportunity quoted by some as so vast it will make the returns of the African telecoms giants insignificant by comparison.

However, despite over US$8bln of project investments in greenfield projects in South Africa alone, transmission continues to collapse, significantly impacting the social and political landscape of the continent. In addition, this threatens the bankability of future generation projects already under development.

After over 20 years in development, the EAPP, SAPP, African Development Bank, China Development Bank and World Bank together with their public sector partners in Ethiopia, Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa are starting to make headway which could finally see an end to the transmission crisis.

These projects could be the start of incredible opportunities for East and Southern Africa, promoting everything from township electrification to major industrial development. This outcome is only possible if these countries can maximise the capacity of the presently elusive manufacturers and industrialists looking to take advantage of the export zones currently under development.

You only have to see what the UAE has achieved to see how a resource-based economy can transform a country’s riches if the right investments in infrastructure are made. On the flip side, there are examples where these critical investments were not made - resulting in economic and social turmoil.

The question therefore is this – which president will rise to the challenge and build a legacy on the continent that reads, “I truly brought electricity to Africa, I truly made a difference?”

EnergyNet, as it has been doing for the last 17 years, will facilitate this debate by welcoming 100 key decision-makers to Kenya from 25-27th March for the Powering East Africa meeting (http://www.powering-eastafrica.com). 

Major DFIs, power developers and transmission companies will come together to influence the conversation, enabling participants to understand what’s happening to East Africa’s transmission network in the medium to long term. For more information, visit www.powering-eastafrica.com

Je, usambazaji ndio saratani ya soko la umeme barabu Afrika?

Wa Kusambaza Umeme Afrika Mashariki

NAIROBI, Kenya, February 18, 2015/ -- Tunavyoshuhudia viwanda katika bara hili viking'ang'ana kutengeneza na kusambaza umeme unaotosha kufikia kiwango msingi, usambazaji unaonekana kuwa changamoto kubwa zaidi kwa ufikiaji wa umeme barani Afrika.

Kwa sasa, kuna viwango vya uwekezaji ambavyo havijawahi kuonekana katika sekta ya uzalishaji umeme- haikaribii tu utafutaji tena. Wawekezaji leo wanaona uzalishaji umeme kama fursa iliyotajwa na watu wengine kuwa kubwa kiasi kwamba itafanya mapato ya makampuni makubwa ya simu barani Afrika yaonekane kuwa madogo.

Hata hivyo, licha ya zaidi ya dola bilioni 8 za Marekani kuwekezwa katika miradi mipya nchini Afrika Kusini peke yake, usambazaji unaendelea kuporomoka, huku ukiathiri hali ya kijamii na siasa katika bara la Afrika pakubwa. Zaid ya hayo, jambo hili linatishia uthabiti wa miradi ya uzalishaji wa siku zijazo ambayo tayari inaendelea kujengwa.

Baada ya zaidi ya miaka 20 ya ujenzi, EAPP, SAPP, Benki ya Maendeleo ya Afrika, Benki ya Maendeleo ya China na Benki ya Dunia pamoja na wabia wa sekta ya umma nchini Uhabeshi, Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, Msumbiji, Zimbabwe na Afrika Kusini zinaanza kuonyesha mafanikio ambayo hatimaye yanaweza kuwa mwisho wa matatizo ya usambazaji.

Miradi hii inaweza kuwa mwanzo wa fursa za ajabu kwa Afrika Mashariki na Kusini, ikikuza kila kitu kuanzia usambazaji wa umeme katika miji hadi ukuaji wa viwanda. Matokeo haya yatapatikana tu ikiwa nchi hizi zinaweza kutumia hadi upeo uwezo wa watengenezaji na watasinia wanaoepuka kwa hali wakitafuta kunufaika na kanda za uhamishaji ambazo zinaendelea kukua kwa sasa.

Unafaa kuona tu kile  Umoja wa Falme za Kiarabu zimetimiza ili uone vile uchumi unaotegemea rasilimali unaweza kubadilisha utajiri wa nchi ikiwa uwekezaji unaofaa katika muundo msingi unafanywa. Kwa upande mwingine, kuna mifano ambapo uwekezaji huu muhimu haukufanywa - na basi kusababisha ghasia za kijamii.

Swali basi ni hili - ni rais yupi atakabiliana na changamoto hii na aunde urithi kwenye bara hili unaosoma, "Nilileta umeme barani Afrika, nilileta mabadiliko?"

EnergyNet, kama ilivyokuwa ikifanya kwa miaka 17 iliyopita, itarahisisha majadiliano haya kwa kukaribisha waamuzi 100 muhimu nchini Kenya kuanzia tarehe 25-27 Machi kwa mkutano wa Kusambaza Umeme Afrika Mashariki (http://www.powering-eastafrica.com).  DFI kuu, waendelezaji uzalishaji wa umeme na makampuni ya usambazaji yatakuja pamoja ili kushawishi mazungumzo, wakiwezesha washiriki kuelewa kinachoendelea katika mtandao wa usambazaji wa Afrika Mashariki kati ya muda mfupi na muda mrefu. Kwa maelezo zaidi, tembelea www.powering-eastafrica.com

Habari Zingine


Fadhili Athumani

EastAfrica Swahili Blogger, Journalist at Mwanaspoti Kenya, Nairobi Kenya, Call: +254705246475, whatsapp:+255654724337, Email: fadhiliathumani85@gmail.com

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